Prof Eric SOUIED

Professor Eric SOUIED is head of Department of Ophthalmology at both “Hopital Intercommunal de Creteil” and “Henri Mondor” hospital, in France. He earned his MD and PhD degrees in 1990-2006, at the University of Paris Est Creteil (UPEC) where he also completed his ophthalmology residency with Pr Gabriel COSCAS. He also completed a medical fellowship at the Creteil University Eye Clinic (1996-2000) and a post-doctoral fellowship at the Jules Stein Eye Institute, UCLA, Los Angeles. His main topics are Medical Retina (AMD, inherited macular and retinal dystrophies) and ophthalmic surgery (retina and cataract). Professor Eric Souied has contributed to more than 200 peer-reviewed articles published in the areas of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), hereditary retinal diseases, ophthalmic genetics and gene therapy of retinal dystrophies. His main area of research is focusing on genetics, imaging and treatments of AMD. He is a member of the Macula Society, Gonin Club, American Academy of Ophthalmology and Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology. He was the founder president of the French “Association DMLA” and is the founder president of the French society “Federation France Macula”.